This story is best suited for a novel rather than a TV episode - it’s just unfilmable.

And we’re off to the races - peril, aliens, impossible weapons, The Shadow Proclamation, Strax being Strax. I’m sure no one at all will be surprised to discover that the investigations are soon intertwined. Besides, The Great Detective is investigating a locked-room murder, and Strax is off looking into the death of a friend. The Doctor doesn’t want to trouble Madam Vastra and her crew when they can take care of this themselves. They don’t head off to Camelot, because the Doctor finds some sort of sign of nuclear power in Victorian London which seems far more urgent. Things got off to a rough start when the argument that the Doctor and Clara were having about their next destination (she wants to meet King Arthur, he wants to go somewhere else) reminded me too much of the argument in “Robot of Sherwood” - but there’s a great punchline that redeemed it. Seemed like a good way to get back into them. I’d just said few weeks back how I hadn’t read any tie-in novels for a bit, when the good people at Blogging for Books offered this. Series: Doctor WhoTrade Paperback, 256 pg. Mystery/Detective Fiction/Crime Fiction/Thriller.